Nana Journals

An anthology of some of the best writings, photos, and information pertaining to the Bangkok
nightlife featuring comments and highlights from the best blogs and websites on the subject.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


One Thai girlfriend once told me that the term “pompooey” refers to little children or babies and has a rather positive connotation”. In TV-Ads in Thailand that show products for babies, these babies are usually overweight from a western point of view, but obviously Thai people consider that as very healthy. I also observed this in advertisements in China, where obviously overweight babies are also considered cute and healthy.

As far as I know the term “wan” really means “fat” and really having a rather negative connotation.

So if a Thai girl calls me Pompooey I usually try to think she is telling me I am cute.

Phoenix on Farang Speaks 2 Much

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