Sunday, August 05, 2012

Editor's Note: Where Have All The Bloggers Gone?

When I started this website about Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy, Werewolf was always losing his wallet and cell phone, Bangkok Bad Boy was bringing dirty girls to short-time hotels and writing about it, Mango Sauce was talking about who-knows-what (I rarely understood what he was saying, but he had interesting stats.)
Pattaya Ghost was getting in trouble with bar owners for commenting about something or other that they didn't like.
Dean Barrett was either photographing a friend's wife upcountry (Fon), or hanging out with his favorite Coyote dancer (he even went to her university graduation,) or just getting wonderfully distracted by some gogo girl who walks by thinking he's too old and Dean thinks that she just hasn't realized their short-time love yet.

Elephants were seen at the entrance of Nana Plaza at night, or walking through Soi Cowboy looking for tourists to pay to feed the animals.
I never did really know if the blog Bangkok Girlfriend was written by a real Thai girl, or some white girl, or some white guy. The English was too good, talking about things that guys wanted to hear.
I've forgotten what twofatfarangs were writing about. The Big Mango Bar use to be inside Nana Plaza, before moving down into my old neighborhood on the sub-soi, and their blog had the address of 'Farang Speak 2 Much.' Hog's Breath was a neighborhood bar inside Nana Plaza for expats, until Spanky's took over the space.

Baron Bonk would write about what he saw when he made the rounds of the Bangkok clubs. No more.

Dave The Rave is still giving us updates on his blog and managing Angelwitch. Stickman is still doing his weekly column on his website with photos. (The Not Stickman anti-Stickman site came and went with some uproar.)
Bangkok Eyes is still going with its commentary and photos of entrance ways.

Many of the blogs about the nightlife of Bangkok are gone. We need more blogs to be written on this subject to provide a more rounded impression of the scene.

Does anyone know of any good blogs that are currently being written on the subject of the nightlife of Bangkok, Nana Entertainment Plaza, Soi Cowboy, and Pattaya? Let me know.


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Daily updates from a variety of blogs, websites and personal visits especially as it pertains to Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza!!

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The scene is dead.

    The following things killed it:

    1) Most Thai girls aren't "poor" anymore by Western standards. They really don't need your $50 bucks, and usually not your $100 bucks either.

    2) Thai guys in their 20's now have middle class jobs and yes, Thai girls would rather hang out with a cute 27 year old Thai guy than a fat (or not fat) farang.

    3) Thai girls got fat. The obesity epidemic sweeping Thailand is no joke. 3 years ago, gogo bars were filled with skinny beautiful girls. Today you'll find a collection of Thai meatballs.

    4) Bangkok is a wealthy city by Asian standards. There are no shortage of multi-millionaires. Living standards are high, even by many Western standards. The economy is booming. A pretty girl in a booming economy can find better work than f***ing westerners.

    5) Real estate prices are driving up bar rents, and that's turning into more expensive drink prices.

    6) The baht is getting more expensive and it's making Bangkok more expensive.

    7) The asking price from girls is now north of 3000 baht in most places and bar fines are another 1000 baht in many places. Add several drinks (and lady drinks) to the equation, and the price of a short time hotel, and you're in for north of $200 on a cheap night. More likely you'll make several stops, shop around and drop north of $250. This makes BKK a pricey destination for mongering compared to Philippines and a dozen cities in China.

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This ranting post with 7 points is ridiculous! He must be so undesirable of a farang that he can't get laid. The girls do have a choice and if you suck at life, well I'm sure fucking for money is hard enough without letting some sad old retiree bring you down.

    That being said he does have 2 comments that might ring true.

    No 5. Yes real estate prices go up, always, thats why people buy real estate in the first place! So your drink price will go up in time. Ah progress!

    No 6. The entire world is feeling devaluation of money! But it always has in the past and always will in the future! Yes! Another sign that it's not 1980 or 1930 for that matter!

    Congratulations winner! If your paying 3000 baht for short time and 1000 baht for barfine, with the exception of some pricey bars on Soi 33, it must be because the girls don't want to fuck you! And they are hoping to price you out of the market.

    The scene is amazing! Too bad the article was about what happened to bloggers!
