Despite that, the bar is said to be profitable due to three very unique factors: It has no lease, no key money and absurdly low rent. Dollhouse sits downstairs from Marine Disco and Peppermint Palace on a large block of land given by The King to one of Pattaya oldest families. In return, the “Marine Family” allows two go-gos, the disco, various beer bars and a Muay Thai exhibition ring to operate there on just low monthly rents. With such low expenses, Dollhouse can be profitable on very little income. It’s said to make 200,000 a month in profit, giving it a sale price of about 6 million baht. So while Ken has it on the block, he’s not too concerned how long it takes to sell.
Pattaya Ghost
It is a good place to take a drink, but sure one of the worst in town to take a lady.
I am sorry to tell that they are (most of them) not motivated and lazy. In the best case they will play it "cold fish" ; most often they wont do anything in your room. BUT in the morning they will take your money AND as a compensation transfer as much as they can from your mini bar to their bag.
If you report to the owne he will give your money back but how many customers will dare ...
There are many other places ... with good "honest" girls.
Daniel. 08/20/2008
Been by there in 2001 and will swing by again in 2012 to check it out. Will let you know how the girls are. They were good in 01 but perhaps my memory is fading. If your looking for girls you should try to stick to the beer bars anyway. They are more fun and cheaper.
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