Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coyote Girls at Mojos Bar in Bangkok

Dean Barrett has been enjoying himself photographing the coyote dancers at Mojos.
Maybe worth checking out.

A few more shots of the Mojos girls.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Airport Reopens on Dec. 5th

Protesters leave the airport after celebrating a victory.
The reopening ceremonies included dancers and puppets.

What will happen to the tourist trade will be seen in the months ahead.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

PAD Closes Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport

People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protesters stormed Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport, camping out, shutting the place down.
Shots have been fired, people injured, no flights in or out of Thailand at Suvarnabhumi Airport at this time.

Doesn't look good.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bangkok Police Stopping Tourists, Looking For Easy Money

Notice the police?
They are out in droves on the street looking for anyone and anything to bust. This is what happens when the take is down due to a lower tourist season. Just walking home I have been stopped twice in the last week.

Seems the police here are clueless about profiling.
The only thing they can hope to bust someone walking around for is drugs. That is easily a 10k hit for a couple of men in the tighty brownies.
BTW - they really sit close to each other on the smaller motorbikes.

Sideshow BOB

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Buy the Girl a Drink in Pattaya with Live Streaming Video

Watch live video from FLB Pattaya Channel on Justin.tv
The folks at FLB Bar in Pattaya has been streaming live video from the bar during business hours. You can even buy a girl a drink through PayPal, and watch her drink it live before the camera.
Other images have included the girls dancing in the bar and on the bar, the live band, and other fun Thai bar scenes.
Its almost as much fun as being there.

FLB Bar in Pattaya

(If it doesn't work, try this JustinTV link.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hot Sexy Thai Girls at Nana Plaza - Tiny Spinners

On Wednesday night I went to Nana Plaza for a while. If anyone is wondering where all the 40 and 45 kilo go go dancers are, I can reliably report that — on Wednesday night at least — a lot of them were on stage at Mandarin Club.

Whoever does the hiring at Mandarin Club shares my taste in women. They have tons of short and slender girls with narrow waists, small natural breasts and smooth skin, mostly devoid of tattoos.

The girls outnumbered the customers 3:1 or 4:1, so the pickings were great. Probably half the girls I saw in the bar would rate an 8 or better on the Werewolf meter.


Things To Do With A Thai Bar Girl in Pattaya

Number 43 - Throw her off the top of a platform along with yourself.

Pattaya Days

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Elephants in Bangkok at Night

Perhaps one day Bangkok's Finest will actually enforce the law which prohibits elephants from entering the city (prohibits the mahouts from bringing them in).

Bangkok, Thailand may be the only city in the world which has such a street circus and when it finally disappears, we hope there will be an adequate historical recording of this unique feature of the Night Entertainment Scene.

(check out Bangkok Eyes for more images.)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Werewolf Ends His Blog on His Adventures in the Nightlife of Bangkok

Werewolf calls it quits as he goes off hopping with a girl named Mint, one of the bartenders at The Big Mango Bar.
He says that "Its all about Sanuk. Sanuk is fun. Sanuk is good. Sanuk is part of what you do in Thailand.

But I’m starting to realize that it’s more than just fun; sanuk is about really enjoying yourself. About being silly and not worrying about it."


(No wonder why he is always losing his wallet and cell phone.)

Monday, September 01, 2008

Police Breakup PAD Rally in Bangkok, Thailand

So hundreds of policemen came and torn down the PAD stage and dispersed the crowd of protesters against the Thai government.
In its place is now a stage for a pro-government rally.

(images from 2Bangkok.com)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bangkok Bad Boy's Hot Date in Pattaya

We’d been emailing during the week, and she’d been so keen to convince me that she really was an office girl that she’d sent over several photos of herself in the office. I figured that even Pattaya must have some respectable ladies, right?
She showed up and
“Hello boobs”, I somehow managed not to say. “And bottom”, I didn’t add, as she turned to order her drink. What a body. She looked even better than her photos. I was in love.

A quick drink at the beer bar (Spy for her, Heineken for me), and it was time to hit the town. This was an interesting point, as I’d been wondering where respectable office girls go in Pattaya. I don’t know Pattaya too well, but I’d figured that there must be a refined, up-market, respectable, hi-so and des-res area - one of which I had been previously unaware.

“Do you know Walking Street?”, she asked.

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

It turned out that we didn’t need to take a songthaew to Walking Street, because she was on her bike. And it was a Nice Bike. I know nothing of motorcycles, but this looked expensive. She told me it cost just over forty thousand baht. And that she bought it with a bonus from work.

(After an evening of drinking) She gave me a ride back to my hotel, despite my stern admonishments that she was in no fit state to drive.

Once there, since I have no sense of shame, I decided that I should invite her to stay in my room, on the basis that since we had already been lucky to survive the drive here, and that she would be dicing with death if she tried to drive home. And not because I wanted to shag her fanny off. No Sir-ee Bob. Perhaps that’s where I went wrong. Subtlety can so often be a bridge too far around here…

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll just drive home really fast”, was her logically flawless response. The faster you drive, the less time you have to crash, I suppose.

(Read more detail about his hot date at:)
Bangkok Bad Boy

(photo by Michael LaPalme.)

Friday, August 08, 2008

Boyz Town in Pattaya, Thailand

Boyz Town, Pattaya, originally uploaded by Michael LaPalme.

What is this neighborhood all about?

Monday, August 04, 2008

A Thai Girl Multi-Tasking

In an internet cafe, I notice a Thai girl as she is chatting with her sponsor/boyfriend on the webcam, as other chat windows pop up. Other guys engage her in conversation. Their comments suggest rather more familiarity than mere online pals.

A capable multi-tasker, she opens up Internet Explorer and logs into her email account.
She goes into her email inbox and with the proximity of our terminals I can clearly see that she has been a busy girl. She appears to receive about 5 emails a day, each from a different guy. Her email inbox reveals heaps of names.

While chatting with her sponsor/boyfriend, she is also reading email from other guys. I am worried that she might see me peering at her screen but she's so busy both conversing and reading emails in her second language that she doesn’t notice.

She opens an email and there’s one from someone with a decidedly German sounding name.
He is due in town next month. She composes a reply while she is chatting with her boyfriend, smiling and has completely convinced him of her innocence. She talks about the flowers he recently sent and says they made her "loom" smell nice.

But she is not done online yet. She opens up a chat window with one guy, a late ‘20s looking European. She types some highly flirtatious messages and he has a huge grin on his face. Fortunately he doesn’t suggest webcam sex.

She settles her bill with the net café owner. I notice that the signs are all in English. The price is 1 baht a minute but she is charged half that.
Racism is alive and well in Sukhumvit’s net cafés.
I settle mine - at the full price.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Some Bar Girls are a Pain In The Butt (...We've All Been There...)

I barfined one of the main Angelwitch dancers in Nana,
and we ended up bar hopping,
buying ladydrinks for her friends , tipping her friends, then food,
then for more money more fun promise,
great fun all night for a little more, she said.
Shower, have wild sex, shower, she falls asleep and doesn’t wake up until 11:30 am…. and walks out.

I told her, “I didn’t think I was paying for you to sleep.”

From then on I told her she was “a pain in the butt” every time I bar fined her…….

(photos by Randy Magnus,
text originally from comments made by ArtTv on The Pattaya Ghost blog.)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Dean Barrett Has Excellent Taste in Thai Women

Every time we see photo of Dean, he always has his arm around a beautiful girl from Thailand, and this is no exception.

photo from Dean Barrett

Friday, July 25, 2008

Pattaya Headlines: Do I Really Want To Be There?

First have a look at the headlines in Pattayadailynews.com.
Mmmm, today we have: drug habits increasing, gun-happy motorbike gangs, katoey pick-pocket, today's robbery victim, tour boat catches fire, etc.
No one got stabbed and burned like that Mr. Martin Jochems last week or no spectacular accidents today. Not bad!

Did get poisoned the other day on oysters, the beach and bay is badly polluted...
Why would anyone want to live anywhere else?

Living In Pattaya

(And yes, those are ladyboys in the photo!)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Breast Implants in Pattaya, Thailand

In Pattaya silicone seems much in fashion at Peppermint these days and another fresh, smooth-skinned 23-year-old showcase girl apparently got herself a set two months ago. She claims they cost 80,000 baht, but, from my hands-on research on the subject, I think she overpaid. Bolt-ons that expensive are usually very soft and natural. Hers were not.

They still look good, however, and for the price of one draft beer, she allowed me to continue my research. She claims to have worked in Pattaya only six months and got the add-ons two months ago. That means she had to have saved up 80,000 baht in four months. Knowing how fast Thai girls run through barfine money, that seemed unlikely. But that was her story and she was sticking to it.
Pattaya Ghost

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bang for the Buck in Bangkok

The cost of sex in Bangkok:

Go-Go Bars:
Total: 1020 baht in the bar, 300 for the room, 20 for condom, and 1500 for the dirty deed of darkness.
All in all, 2840. Again, this is definitely on the cheap side, at least for me.
Rounds: One.
Bucks-per-bang: $84.73 x 1 = $84.73

Performance: On this occasion was awesome.
In the bath, up against the tiles, on the sofa,
and pretty much everywhere except on the bed.
Total: 2,000 baht
Rounds: Two
Bucks-per-bang: $59.67 x 2 = $29.84

Performance: Extremely enthusiastic.
Total: 2,000 baht
Rounds: Two
Bucks-per-bang: $59.67 x 2 = $29.84

BJ Bars:
Lolita’s works out at a marvellously economical $20.88 bucks per bang, assuming you don’t buy a drink (which is perfectly acceptable), but that’s oral-only.

Bangkok Bad Boy

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008

Was Bangkok Bad Boy on Patpong for Christmas Eve?

On Christmas Eve, I found myself in the Duke of Wellington Pub in Silom. Beer was consumed. Some bright spark decided that Sambuca would make a fine chaser.
Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink.

(wavy lines)

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
I opened my eyes in a strange bed, in a strange room, with a strange girl lying next to me.
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
Someone was banging on the door.
“Hello?”, I tried to say.
“Huuuuuuuurrrghhh”, I actually said.

“Twelve o’clock, you check out”, said a disembodied voice from the other side of a tatty door.
My mystery sleeping companion jumped up, and quickly started to dress.
I was already wearing one sock, which was a head start that I particularly appreciated in this state. I eventually found the other, and managed to dress.

I still had no idea where I was.
There was a window in the corner of the room. I pulled back the curtain, and peeped out.
I could see a litter-strewn street, and the sign for Safari bar. Which is in Patpong.
Evidently I’d fallen asleep in a short-time room. Or a long-time room, rather. I can report that The Madrid Suites, on Patpong 1, will let you stay all night for a fee.
I stumbled, squinting and wobbling, into the daylight. It hurt.

Bangkok Bad Boy

(lower painting by Ulf Malmgren)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Stickman in Pattaya

These images were taken in Pattaya in 2005 by Stickman.
Some things have changed, I'm sure,
but some things remain the same.
To see more of Stickman's photos, click here.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Gathering of Bangkok Bloggers

Head over to the Duke for refreshment and civil conversation.
I turn out to be lucky and encounter Smitty and Pmmp and chinwag with them, then I am subjected to a barrage of insults from Daywalker, have an intellectual discussion with master wordsmith Bangkok Bad Boy and sit opposite Werewolf who after a couple of hours meets your gaze in an off beam way by staring at a point 6 centimetres to the right of your head.
John Brown pops in wearing Hawaiian shirt number 47 and helps me put credit on my phone. We order some mixed starters and all talk about nothing in particular.

To round the evening off perfectly some of us hit the gogos mixing the in-yer-face proximity of the naked Rubenesques of the Cactus Club, The 5 star rockers and the Baccara spinners in their schoolgirl outfits.
That dancer in whatever bar it was who has perfected the booty shuffle comes to sit next to me and drinks her coke. I want to tell her that I plan on going home alone but never get round to it. One butt cheeks fits perfectly into the cup of my hand. I resist slipping a finger up as I have popcorn to eat – got to get my priorities right – right?

Fatigue slowly gets to me as I bid farewell to the gang. Werewolf is shortly going to lose his wallet, his mobile phone or both, but it’s like the tides of the sea –inevitable – who am I to interfere?

Doctor Bond