Friday, August 22, 2008

Bangkok Bad Boy's Hot Date in Pattaya

We’d been emailing during the week, and she’d been so keen to convince me that she really was an office girl that she’d sent over several photos of herself in the office. I figured that even Pattaya must have some respectable ladies, right?
She showed up and
“Hello boobs”, I somehow managed not to say. “And bottom”, I didn’t add, as she turned to order her drink. What a body. She looked even better than her photos. I was in love.

A quick drink at the beer bar (Spy for her, Heineken for me), and it was time to hit the town. This was an interesting point, as I’d been wondering where respectable office girls go in Pattaya. I don’t know Pattaya too well, but I’d figured that there must be a refined, up-market, respectable, hi-so and des-res area - one of which I had been previously unaware.

“Do you know Walking Street?”, she asked.

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

It turned out that we didn’t need to take a songthaew to Walking Street, because she was on her bike. And it was a Nice Bike. I know nothing of motorcycles, but this looked expensive. She told me it cost just over forty thousand baht. And that she bought it with a bonus from work.

(After an evening of drinking) She gave me a ride back to my hotel, despite my stern admonishments that she was in no fit state to drive.

Once there, since I have no sense of shame, I decided that I should invite her to stay in my room, on the basis that since we had already been lucky to survive the drive here, and that she would be dicing with death if she tried to drive home. And not because I wanted to shag her fanny off. No Sir-ee Bob. Perhaps that’s where I went wrong. Subtlety can so often be a bridge too far around here…

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll just drive home really fast”, was her logically flawless response. The faster you drive, the less time you have to crash, I suppose.

(Read more detail about his hot date at:)
Bangkok Bad Boy

(photo by Michael LaPalme.)

Friday, August 08, 2008

Boyz Town in Pattaya, Thailand

Boyz Town, Pattaya, originally uploaded by Michael LaPalme.

What is this neighborhood all about?

Monday, August 04, 2008

A Thai Girl Multi-Tasking

In an internet cafe, I notice a Thai girl as she is chatting with her sponsor/boyfriend on the webcam, as other chat windows pop up. Other guys engage her in conversation. Their comments suggest rather more familiarity than mere online pals.

A capable multi-tasker, she opens up Internet Explorer and logs into her email account.
She goes into her email inbox and with the proximity of our terminals I can clearly see that she has been a busy girl. She appears to receive about 5 emails a day, each from a different guy. Her email inbox reveals heaps of names.

While chatting with her sponsor/boyfriend, she is also reading email from other guys. I am worried that she might see me peering at her screen but she's so busy both conversing and reading emails in her second language that she doesn’t notice.

She opens an email and there’s one from someone with a decidedly German sounding name.
He is due in town next month. She composes a reply while she is chatting with her boyfriend, smiling and has completely convinced him of her innocence. She talks about the flowers he recently sent and says they made her "loom" smell nice.

But she is not done online yet. She opens up a chat window with one guy, a late ‘20s looking European. She types some highly flirtatious messages and he has a huge grin on his face. Fortunately he doesn’t suggest webcam sex.

She settles her bill with the net café owner. I notice that the signs are all in English. The price is 1 baht a minute but she is charged half that.
Racism is alive and well in Sukhumvit’s net cafés.
I settle mine - at the full price.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Some Bar Girls are a Pain In The Butt (...We've All Been There...)

I barfined one of the main Angelwitch dancers in Nana,
and we ended up bar hopping,
buying ladydrinks for her friends , tipping her friends, then food,
then for more money more fun promise,
great fun all night for a little more, she said.
Shower, have wild sex, shower, she falls asleep and doesn’t wake up until 11:30 am…. and walks out.

I told her, “I didn’t think I was paying for you to sleep.”

From then on I told her she was “a pain in the butt” every time I bar fined her…….

(photos by Randy Magnus,
text originally from comments made by ArtTv on The Pattaya Ghost blog.)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Dean Barrett Has Excellent Taste in Thai Women

Every time we see photo of Dean, he always has his arm around a beautiful girl from Thailand, and this is no exception.

photo from Dean Barrett